August 2024
This month’s highlights
LC and ESR Meter
This enhancement to our Wide-Range Digital LC Meter (June 2019) adds capacitor ESR (equivalent series resistance) measurement to its feature set. This could be useful for diagnosing faulty equipment because increasing ESR over time is one of the commonest electrolytic capacitor failure modes. This in-depth article describes the upgrade in full detail.
Most readers will be familiar with the PicoMite, a Raspberry Pi Pico programmed with MMBasic that we introduced in the July 2022 issue. The subsequent release of the Raspberry Pi Pico W added Wi-Fi capability to this extraordinary microcontroller. This special article explains the arcane commands and protocols needed to add Internet connectivity successfully to this already highly capable single board computer.
WebMite-based Watering System Controller
The title of this constructional project says it all – it’s a comprehensive irrigation system for your garden that has a web-based control, which can be configured from a smartphone, tablet or computer. Being web-based, it puts total control at your fingertips instead of struggling to set up and use a control panel under sometimes challenging conditions. Features include eight opto-isolated outputs and flow sensor support for detecting burst pipes, blocked valves or sprinklers, and a toroidal power supply.
Max’s Cool Beans
Arduino Bootcamp (Part 20)
Max shares more about digital seven-segment driver circuitry and interfacing with the Arduino.
Teach-In 2024
Learn electronics with the ESP32
(Part 6 – the ESP32 as a Wi-Fi Access point)
This month we explore some of the ESP32’s inbuilt features that support wireless communications, starting with its Wi-Fi capabilities. We show how to set up a Wi-Fi Access Point, explaing the difference between Station and Access point modes.
Also in this issue
- Circuit Surgery – digital signal processing: the frequency domain.
- Techno Talk – Max muses about the evolution of modern sensors and technology.
- Net Work – more practical hints & tips for Internet users, Yubico security keys and passkeys and how to transfer to a new smartphone, and space news. Net Work also bids a thank-you and final farewell to PE’s current Editor and Publisher, Matt Pulzer.
- Audio Out – mechanical and electronic switching techniques in audio equipment (Part 3).
Next month
Build your own calibrated microphones; Modern PIC programming Adaptor; ‘Salad Bowl’ Speakers, Teach-In 2024 (NTP and clock protocols). Contents may be subject to last minute change.

Printed Circuit Boards
We supply PCBs for all our projects going back to 2013.
New PE service – Programmed PICs
Buy programmed PICs for most of our projects.