June 2020
This month’s highlights
AM/FM/CW Scanning HF/VHF RF Signal Generator (Part 1)
This low-cost easy to build and user-friendly RF signal generator covers from 100kHz to 50MHz and 70-120Mhz, and is usable up to 150MHz. It generates CW (unmodulated), AM and FM signals and is suitable for a wide range of tests. Digital LCD display. AD9850-based system using an Atmega 328P microcontroller design.
Low-cost 3.5 inch touchscreen for Arduino or Micromite
How to update your projects to utilise a typical 3.5” low-cost serial-controlled touchscreen. We also include practical buyer’s tips and application notes for several variants.
NB Driver controller ILI9488
Update from The Back Shed: https://bit.ly/pe-jun20-bkshd-11419
Ultra-low-distortion Preamplifier with Tone Controls (Part 3)
This high-performance audio selector can expand the number of inputs to the Ultra-Low-Distortion preamplifier. It can also ‘upgrade’ just about any piece of audio equipment with stereo line level inputs or simply operate as a stand-alone device. PIC 16F88 based. Both options are discussed in this month’s constructional article.
CONSTRUCTORS: please see note in the April 2020 issue Parts List before purchasing components
Audio Out: PE Mini Organ (Part 1)
Our analogue synthesiser expert Jake Rothman embarks on the design and construction his latest stylus-operated musical instrument.
Make it with Micromite
More on building the Micromite Robot Buggy are provided this month, along with first steps in demonstrating the completed unit.
Max’s Cool Beans
Max shares his angst about working from home, welcomes the Hitex Shield Buddy and waxes lyrical over Adafruit Neopixels. And lots more!
Also in this issue:
- Techno Talk – some ideas for prototyping your circuits
- Net Work – current Internet trends in our lock-down era; 2FA security
- Circuit Surgery – Class-D, G and H amplifiers examined, simulated and explained!
- Practically Speaking – getting to grips with surface mount components
Next month:
High current solid state 12V battery isolator; AD584 Precision Voltage References; Speech synthesis with the Raspberry Pi; AM/FM/CW scanning HF/ VHF/ RF signal generator: Part 2.

Printed Circuit Boards
We supply PCBs for all our projects going back to 2013.
New PE service – Programmed PICs
Buy programmed PICs for most of our projects.